Flickr Photos with TeamRaiser

Flickr™ has revolutionized the photo-sharing experience for million of individuals. Using Flickr's extensive API library, Convio has developed an Extension that helps organization tap into the larger Flickr network and extend the reach of their TeamRaiser events. Organizations can use this Flickr Extension to:

  • Connect their TeamRaiser Event with a specific Flickr photo album
  • Ask permission from TeamRaiser participants to use their photos for promotion on Flickr
  • Display TeamRaiser participant photos on Flickr, with automatic particiapant and event name tags, and links back to the event

How it works

As a configuration option when developing the event registration process, your site adminstrator can require new participant registrants to agree to a terms of use and provide permission to use uploaded personal photos for promotional purposes.  Then, as individuals register to become participants in your organization's TeamRaiser event and upload their photos, your organization's selected Flickr photoset is automatically populated with all participant photos.


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Flickr Photos with TeamRaiser | Convio